Good old undead units and they start with several regions- one of which can start pumping out black knights at turn 1. Necrarch Brotherhood Pros: Not supposed to be able to play them, so there's a plus. I assume they taste like candy and have high morals.
You break them instantly, 75% of them run in random directions across the map while constantly rallying, skirmishing some more and then breaking again. Skaven Cons: Bad morale makes fights as and against the skaven fairly annoying and long. Food lets you instantly upgrade settlements. Tricksey ambush and settlement mechanics.
Skaven Pros: Fast, cheap, units with excellent, (the best?), skirmishers. Suppose public order and loyalty can be a pain, didn't have any issues with disloyal lords though, (was playing Morathi). Also good mages and the units do that bloodlust thing.ĭark Elf Cons: Until that bloodlust thing pops off it feels like most of their units are slightly inferior to the straight-edge elves. Saurus units are slow and sometimes the dinos berserk at inconvenient times.ĭark Elf Pros: Good, shielded archers and cheap/effective artillery. Geomantic web makes growing/managing your empire much easier. Lizard Pros: Strong units that berserk long before breaking.